Rental business in Barcelona

Management of the apartments

You can transfer the apartment to the management of a specialized company or a private person manager of tourist apartments. The standard fee for this type of service is 25 to 30% of annual income.
If you still decide to manage the apartment yourself, which operator to choose?
We recommend a mixed approach. Just like Booking and Airbnb. Also keep in mind that we often offer touristic apartments with their own client base.
For our Clients we carefully prepare apartments with a good occupancy rates and social ratings.
 Let's not forget that the average occupancy of touristic apartments in Barcelona is 85% and we have seen cases with occupancy up to 97% and very high booking rates, for example 9.7-9.8.
For large investors, our portfolio includes entire houses with touristic apartments. This category of properties is very popular on the market, because a good alternative to the hotel business leads to lower costs and higher profits, as some apartments can accommodate 4-7 guests, and hotel rooms average 2+1 guests.
2022-04-27 09:55